Global Resources

Fuel types





Fossil Fuels

  • Easy to Transport
  • Cheap
  • Easy to use
  • Emissions
  • Rising at volatile cost
  • Population


  • Relatively Cheap
  • Low running costs
  • Small land area
  • Low dependence on other resources
  • Unpopular
  • High initial cost
  • Highly toxic waste


  • Low running cost
  • Easy to use
  • No emissions
  • High land use
  • Costly to setup
  • Dependent on a volatile resource

Other Renewables

  • No emissions
  • Low running cost
  • Costly
  • Still in development


Case Studies





  75% Of electricity is Natural Gas.


  99% of all surface water is part of the Nile. 



What factors are causing resource insecurity/security?

  - Very high dependency on Nile water resources with growing vulnerability to changes in water use of upstream countries

What are some of the Nexus connections specific to that country?

  86% of water is for agriculture

What is being / could be done to increase resource security?

Eg: Floating solar development



Singapore Infographic

Global trends in consumption

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Displaying Screen Shot 2020-01-07 at 12.37.11.png

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Jan 6 & 7

How does the production of drinkable water affect the production of energy and food?

The production of drinkable water is usualy done using a dam. This divert the water in the river reducing the water flow and ristricting migratory freshwater fish. This will diminish the avalable freshwater fish supply therefore reducing the production of food. Also due to the divertion of water for drinkable water produciton, there would be less water flow making any downstream hydroelectric dams less effecient and therefore reducing the 


Resource recap using Singapore as an example:





An overview of global patterns and trends in the availability and consumption of:

land/food, including changing diets in middle-income countries


 What patterns and trends (name indicators) might we observe - use the image below to kickstart...


Each pair present one good image (Pattern or Trend or both) of a suitable indicator (inc composite indicators).

Nutritional Transition


Info - slide 32 (our general slide show for this section, already used for water)


Data Q practice slide 34: 


Land Use Transition?

Slide 38 - Make links to Water and Population Dynamics to help explain changes.

Food Security: FAD vs FED.


Slides 42-44. Note concepts.

Dec 11

Water continued using notes from general notes below and 

Video + worksheet (make a copy)

IB Geopods exercises - Briefly plus Task 5 in detail.

Note terms Embedded, Green Blue  Grey. Water

Essay practice - water and sustainability

Water Security Case Study - Singapore.

Dec 10

An overview of global patterns and trends in the availability and consumption of:

● water, including embedded water in food and manufactured goods


Water - from general notes


DEc 9

Rise of global Middle class progress review and sdg 1


Food Energy Water Nexus.


Dec 4




  1. Ensure you have notes on how we are able to be in global deficit / overshoot

  2. Ensure you can list 5 reasons why footprints are larger in HIC - use the COMPONENTS of the footprint to frame your notes.

  3. Ensure you know why the trend is growing globally. Clue

  4. Find the countries that are in the Sustainable Development quadrant or v close. What might they be doing right?   Guess Check this page

  5. Get some detail on two contrasting countries -how about the 2 you studied for Pop dynamics?





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